Maryland State Library Resource Center

Enoch Pratt Free Library

Environment - Maryland State Library Resource Center



Climate Change -- U.S. EPA
The EPA Climate Change Web site has four main sections on climate change issues (Science, U.S. Climate Policy, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, and Health and Environmental Effects, and another section on "What You Can Do" to reduce your contribution.
Climate Change Maryland
This is a public outreach program to spread the word to Maryland citizens about the hazards of climate change and what we can do to take action now. More than 12 state agencies participate in this program and more than 150 State initiatives are part of Maryland's Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act plan.
Educational Global Climate Modeling
Research-quality global climate modeling that can be run on personal computers. The software allows users to design experiments and run simulations. The EdGCM Project, which includes exercises on global warming, is supported by the National Science Foundation and NASA.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
One of the most important climate organizations, IPCC includes useful reports, such as CO2 Capture and Storage and Mitigation of Climate Change.
National Climatic Data Center
This site, from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), describes itself as the "World's largest collection of climatic data." It includes comparative climatic data, wind data, and storm data.
NEC FUTURE: A Rail Investment Plan for the Northeast Corridor: Tier 1 Environmental Impact Statement
The purpose of the NEC FUTURE program is to upgrade aging infrastructure and to improve the reliability, capacity, connectivity, performance, and resiliency of passenger rail service on the NEC for both intercity and regional trips, while promoting environmental sustainability and economic growth.
Pew Center on Global Climate Change
The Pew Center "provides research, analysis and recommendations for federal, state, and international policies related to climate change."  The Pew Center also analyzes legislation related to global warming.
World Meteorological Organization
This U.N. agency focuses on "Earth's atmosphere, its interaction with oceans, the climate it produces, and resulting distribution of water resources."  It provides an international perspective on climate change through updated news, weather forecasts, and global initiatives. 

Maintained by the staff of the Business, Science & Technology Department, State Library Resource Center, Enoch Pratt Free Library

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