Maryland State Library Resource Center

Enoch Pratt Free Library

Maryland Demographics - Maryland State Library Resource Center

Maryland Demographics


American Community Survey data for Maryland
The most up-to-date statistics for any place in Maryland come from the American Community Survey (ACS).  Easy to use tables from the most recent ACS are produced by the Census Bureau and formatted by the Maryland State Data Center. 
American Factfinder
Use the American Factfinder to access the most up-to-date Census and American Community Survey results. Provided by the U.S. Census Bureau. 
Baltimore City Police Department Crime Maps
Baltimore City crime maps are available to be searched by district, neighborhood, etc. The maps show crimes by type at the location they occurred. Once the map is created, a table can be retrieved that breaks down each crime. Only a 14 day period is available at a time.
Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance
A one-stop site for data on 55 statistical areas of Baltimore City.  Contains VItal Signs, the current report on each neighborhood area as well as mapping capability and easy to find listings of community associations and resources in the City.
Maryland Crime Rates
These crime rates for Maryland are provided by the Disaster Center and cover 1960-2011.
Maryland State Data Center
State profiles, demographics, census information, and projections are available for Maryland and individual counties. The latest tabulations of state and local jurisdiction statistics will be found here.
Maryland Statistical Handbook
From the Maryland Department of Planning.  Statistical abstract that contains data for the state and counties on income, employment, housing, economics and general population characteristics.  Contains maps and charts as well detailed tables.  Issued May 2012.
U.S. Census Bureau
Use to stay aware of latest Census Bureau programs, publications and data tools.  Contains an excellent index for finding statistics by topic.  For data, go to the American Factfinder page.

Maintained by the staff of the Maryland Department, State Library Resource Center, Enoch Pratt Free Library

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